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Token Balances & USD Prices

· One min read

We've launched a new endpoint for fetching ERC20 tokens by wallet which includes token balances, metadata, USD prices and a whole lot more for every token 🤩

Compared to our regular token balances endpoint, this endpoint includes the following extra data points per token:

  • balance_formatted: decimal formatted balance
  • usd_price: current price of the token
  • usd_price_24hr_percent_change: 24hr change as a percentage
  • usd_price_24hr_usd_change: 24hr change in usd value
  • usd_value: the value of the wallet's holdings
  • usd_value_24hr_usd_change: 24hr change in value of the wallet's holdings
  • portfolio_percentage: the percentage that this token represents of the wallet's token portfolio
  • native_token: this can be true or false and is used to identify the chain's native token

It also includes some powerful new query parameters:

  • exclude_spam: when set to true this will exclude all tokens marked as spam from the response (defaults to false)
  • exclude_unverified_contracts: when set to true this will exclude all tokens that are not verified on Coingecko (defaults to false)
  • exclude_native: when set to true this will exclude the chain's native token from the holdings (defaults to false)

Check-out the API reference for more information, and see this endpoint in action over on our YouTube channel.