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Streams NFT Approvals

· One min read

nftApprovals in webhooks becomes deprecated. A new list nftTokenApprovals is introduced. The new field will not split between ERC1155 and ERC721 instead it unifies the NFT Approvals.

nftTokenApprovals: [
transactionHash: "0xf0c7542c73e2d26cc0b249da63426643263463463646345",
logIndex: "0",
contract: "0xf573d99385c05c23b24ed33de616ad16a43a0919",
account: "0x6887246668a3b87f54deb3b94ba47a6f63f32985",
operator: "0x34b6a28edbbaf0c7542c73e2d26cc0b249da69a6",
approvedAll: false,
tokenId: '1',
tokenName: 'STREAMSNFT',
tokenSymbol: 'StrNft',
tokenContractType: 'ERC721',
transactionHash: "0x60c7542c73e2d26cc0b249da63426643263463467846235",
logIndex: '0',
contract: '0xd119b250d83893860159f8a7b7a751bc044655a1',
account: '0x6887246668a3b87f54deb3b94ba47a6f63f32985',
operator: '0x34b6a28edbbaf0c7542c73e2d26cc0b249da69a6',
approvedAll: true,
tokenId: null,
tokenName: 'ERC1155_Name',
tokenSymbol: 'ERC1155_SYMBOL',
tokenContractType: 'ERC1155',


contract The Address of the NFT smart contract.

account The Address of the token owner. The Party that allows someone to use their own tokens

operator The Address of the operator. The Party that is allowed (or not) to use all or specific Tokens from account.

approvedAll A boolean that indicates whether all Token were approved or not

tokenId A string that indicates the token id that was approved. If all tokens were approved tokenId is null